Together, we are committed to inspiring active change
across the world that results in workplaces where people are
safe, happy, secure, included, and productive.

Starting a Conversation

This pledge is designed for us to start a conversation about safety at work, challenge our assumptions on today’s practices and take a stand against unethical behaviour together.

 By signing the Vanguard Voices Pledge you are:

  • Committing to actively support psychologically safe work environments for the greater good.
  • Claiming your voice to exercise your right to be heard.
  • Willing and able to be a part of the solution and the change.
A woman participating in the global movement for psychological safety, posing with her hands on her chest as a pledge for this important cause.



Olivia Philipps |

September 12, 2024

“I am making the psychological safety pledge because I want to be part of the solution, not the problem in workplaces today. I want my peers to feel whole, as I want to be treated the same.”

Linda Davids |

September 12, 2024

“I pledge to nurture psychological safety because I care about the mental wellbeing of those around me. We are all affected if even one is suffering inside.”

Join Forces

Receive access to community updates, the latest thought leadersip, research, and shareable resources on psychological safety.

Be Inspired

Confide in a private community by sharing personal stories and experiences. Lean on the experiences of those before you. Know that you are not alone.

Step Up

Become part of a global movement that reimagines the workplace. Collectively lift each other to step into our passion, with confidence and with more purpose.

Your Say

Contribute to our collection of resources, write an opinion piece or share a personal story anonymously.