Bringing the Intangible to Life



Psychological safety is the foundation for success for any organization, yet it’s not a reality in many organizations today.

Psychological safety is the number one driver for team performance. Research has pointed to this and Google’s Project Aristotle and Amy Edmondson’s are among those who have led the way. Despite this, the topic of psychological safety has not been made its way to the priority of many organizations.

On contrary, sometimes unjust practices and toxic culture in the workplace exist. This includes fear tactics, double standards, inequality, and the failure to be true to a company’s mission and values. The psychological safety of employees can deterioriate during daily operations and the lack of systems, process and follow-through erodes trust from the inside out.  Employees are sometimes left without a reliable source of internal support. Employees that do wish to take a stand and speak out against these issues lack the proper support system or knowledge to do so.

2. The Impact


The world of work is changing with high demands on organizations and the employees alike. Internal work and time pressures put support, advice and training for employees sometimes on the backburner. Employees then can feel stressed and experience burn out at work. They may feel alienated, ostracized and alone, with no one to talk to, and no confidence in the organizational processes and system that are meant to support them.

On the other hand, the use of social media has increased. Companies are making use of social media to speak about the importance of values, diversity and inclusion and purpose – but the reality can be different for the employees who work for them. People are more vocal than ever before about their workplace experiences.

3. The Opportunity

Partnership & Collective Action

We have an opportunity to awaken the moral consciousness in all of us. Sitting at the sidelines is no longer acceptable - There is an urgency in the world for us to come together.

We are asking everyone to use their eyes and ears, to use their voices, to take note and to speak about what they are seeing in the workplace.

Share your positive experiences with us so we can share with the greater community. Share resources you have found, articles, insights, blogs that have inspired you so we can help others be inspired.

Connect with us if you have expertise, insights or resources you are willing to share with us and with the community.


‘’Movements will always exist. Organizations come and go.
... everyone has a role in a movement.”

—Judith LeBlanc, Native Organizers Alliance

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