Who do you think you are?
This question echoes through the corridors of corporate life. It's an unspoken challenge that many of us face each day.
As we navigate the intricate web of office politics and professional expectations, we are often judged by more than the quality of our work. We are judged by the preconceived notions associated with us.
I suspect many of us have been there or know someone this describes. We are the odd one out, the unconventional thinker who refuses to fit neatly into the preconceived molds. We are the people who wonder why and may even dare to question current standards.
Will any of us be so bold as to change the world? Maybe not. But we can ignite a fire that creates a movement for change. We could raise our collective voices and create a ripple that will make waves beyond our own circles.
Denounce human nature
It is commonplace to size people up and categorize them into neatly labeled boxes based on appearance, background, or even how they dress. It may even be described as human nature – that desire to label to understand.
That view of putting people into categories is something we have been fighting in various forms for hundreds of years. Disagree?
Think of the global battles for inclusion and equal rights, some already successful, and some still ongoing. All of these, in one way or another, come down to rising above the need to fit people into neat boxes, to labeling, judging, or persecuting people based on biases.
In the business world, these biases are also barriers that hinder innovation and growth. There is no room for breakthrough ideas when we expect or demand conformity.
Authentically together by speaking up
In a sea of conformity, authenticity stands out as a beacon. It's not always easy to reveal our true selves, especially when that clashes with the norm. However, our differences breathe life into our environments, propelling us toward novel solutions and groundbreaking ideas.
The more we seek authenticity, the more we look to bring people out of their boxes, to find what is unique and valuable in each one.
Listening to the voices that dare to question and those speaking up, we can learn. Hearing from those who don’t fit into categories, we pause and agree to question why things are done a certain way. Opening our eyes to conditions around us that make us uncomfortable, we can recognize in ourselves that we too, see things from a different lens.
Distinctly different
Ignoring whispers and quelling judgment requires a strong sense of focus. It's easy to get bogged down by what others might say or think.
The truth is, none of us walk identical paths. We all are mere spectators in each other’s lives.
But we can have common goals and a common vision.
One way to make that vision real is by finding your tribe – a group of like-minded individuals who will support and uplift you.
This is where Vanguard Voices comes in.
Join Vanguard Voices
In a world that's quick to label and stereotype, it's time we break free from the constraints of others' expectations. It's time to be unapologetically ourselves, to champion our unique perspectives, and to forge new paths that challenge the status quo.
The Vanguard Voices movement is a community of individuals who understand the power of authenticity and the importance of focusing on what truly matters. In this supportive environment, we share our stories, uplift one another, and inspire change from within.
Let's not be defined by the question, "Who do you think you are?" Instead, let's answer it with unwavering confidence: "I am me, and you are you, and that's where our strength lies."